Thursday, March 29, 2007

A Blog Virgin

Yep, it's true. I admit it. I'm a blog virgin. In fact, I've only read my first blog about 2 months ago (yes, that's January 2007). I guess the only logical explanation would be that I've been kidnapped by aliens for the past 10 years and they just sent me back to my hometown recently.

Tell me - Is writing your first article supposed to be this scary? Kinda like your first time to profess your love to a girl? To publicly go against a popular opinion? Feel your sweaty clammy hands, stuttering words, etc.?

Pleasantly surprised as I may be, it turns out that it's not. It's actually fun. I think this could be the start of something therapeutic.

I was a blog virgin.


Sean said...

Yes it is. I was fantastically, supernaturally scared when I wrote my first blog post. In fact, I was so scared that I promptly forgot my access information right then and there, and therefore had to start a brand new one (that I'm still using right now).

Heck, I still get embarrassed whenever anyone reads my old articles, and I assure you that the feeling never quite goes away. But they're there, and they'll remain. Consider it part of the endless cycle of experience, I think.

Hailyn said...

Sean: Good to know that I'm as normal as can be then :)