Monday, July 16, 2007

Beyond Blogging

To my surprise, I realize that there are still at least ten things in life I'd rather do than blog.


Yes, it's true. There is a bigger world out there than blogging. I'm trying to say that line with a straight face.

Don't get me wrong. I'm a fan of writing. In fact, I'm a huge fan of blogging. For those of you who visit my blog regularly, or those of you who know me personally, you know that I try to be faithful and write at least 2x every week. And that's the minimum. So a 2-week hiatus for me is something very, very rare indeed.

If my blog is my girlfriend (assuming I'm a guy of course, or a lesbian at the very least), I would've had to do serious ass-kissing, flower-buying and kneeling/begging for forgiveness if I wanted to retain my non-single status.

I know, I know. I've neglected my blog/girl/boyfriend. But believe me, I have valid reasons for doing so... Hmm. Now I sound exactly like a guy. Hehe.

Anyway, after having survived another stressful fiscal year end and 9 major projects cutting over at the same time, with 2 unexpected resignations within the past 60 days and spent 2 straight weekends working in the office fixing major showstopper issues, I realize that blogging will have to take second place over these things.

1. Sleep. Rest. Nap. Whatever the term is, nothing still beats getting some serious shut-eye.

2. Talk on the phone for hours with a good friend.

3. Eat La Pinay crepe at Cafe Briton in Greenbelt. I had been working for 12 straight hours 2 Sundays ago, but I readily agreed to join my mom, my aunt and my brother for some dessert even though I seriously needed some sleep.

4. Watch "Transformers."

5. Watch "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix."

6. Watch my son sleep. Last night was the first time in over a week that I was able to tuck my son to bed. All other nights, I had to rely on kissing him goodnight while he's somewhere in dreamland.

7. Figure out who would do what projects for the next 12 month. I'll be honest. I like blogging more than this. But I can't very well have a completed blog article and a half-baked resource allocation and work plan for my team. I am responsible most of the time, you know.

8. Psychoanalyze a mutual acquaintance and debate whether or not he is suffering from severe depression.

9. Conduct training on project management and system architecture for my colleagues. What can I say? Training has been and will always be one of my passions in life.

10. Play X-box with my son. I suck at games. Seriously. I'm so bad that even other 4 or 5-year-olds beat me. But I just can't no when my son sweetly offers to teach me how to play and reassures me that I don't play that bad for a girl.

And in case you haven't figured it out yet, the above list also contains most of the stuff I did in between whatever little free time I had over the past 15 days.

There you have it folks. There is life beyond blogging. But having said that, I'm still glad to be home again, blogging to all my heart's content... You won't get rid of this addicted blogger that easily. :)


~currant7 said...

funny entry indeed. :D
saw hp6 - super good. lighter than the book. i got emotionally drained while reading hp6. excited for hp7!!!

Hailyn said...

Cher: I chose not to read the book before I watch the movie coz I was so disappointed the other times I did the normal way. But I'm pretty sure I will like the book better, since I'm a bit biased towards books. We have to compare notes at our next barkada brunch session once you're back. :)