Monday, April 23, 2007

I Believe

I believe in lists, but I also thrive in organized chaos.
I believe in true love and happy-ever-after, but I also believe that everything doesn't always end up that way.
I believe in being assertive and outspoken, but sometimes silence does speak a thousand words.
I believe in earth-shattering and mind-blowing sex, but I also believe in the power of simple hugs and light touches.
I believe that loving someone means holding on, but sometimes it also means knowing when to let go.
I believe in fate, good luck, the moon, the stars and the like, but I also believe in taking charge and making things happen for yourself.
I believe in getting up and trying again, but I also know when to step back and quit gracefully.
I believe in the goodness of people's hearts, but I also know that there are also hopeless and rotten souls out there.
I believe that being surrounded with friends and loved ones is a great feeling, but so can just being by yourself.
I believe that ignorance is bliss, but sometimes, you just gotta know the truth.
I believe in believing what you see, but some things are just meant to be accepted, even without any physical evidence.
I believe in being kind and yet, being firm.
I believe that explanations are necessary, but sometimes just saying a sincere "sorry" is more than enough.

I believe in the sheer enjoyment of being in the spotlight, but sometimes I prefer to let my people shine.
I believe in having formal contracts, but sometimes even just a handshake is enough.
I believe in thinking and acting decisively, but sometimes the best decisions you make is after you sleep on it first.
I believe in being strong, but I don't necessarily want to always have to be strong all the time.
I believe in being flexible and making compromises, but there are just some things that you simply cannot budge from.
I believe that there is an equal shower of blessings and challenges in life.
I believe in saving up for the future, but I don't mind splurging a little once in a while.
I believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt, but sometimes first impressions are actually truer and more accurate than you think.
I believe in being subtle, but sometimes you just have to bring it on full force.
I believe in age-old customs and traditions, but I also welcome new and controversial ideas.

I believe in growing up and becoming wiser with age, but I don't ever want to completely let go of my inner child as well.
I believe in hard facts and pure logic, but I also believe in the unseen and untold.
I believe that inner beauty is more permanent, but it doesn't hurt to receive compliments on your physical attributes as well.
I believe that people should be acclaimed for their grand achievements, but small things go a long, long way.

Most of all, I believe that you should trust in yourself, your values and your convictions, but you should always be open and hear out what others believe in.

Confused? Balimbing*? ... No, definitely not.
Multiple personality disorder? . . . Maybe.

But at least you're sure you'll get to know a very interesting and complex person in me.

That being said, it will probably take you the whole lifetime to understand the whole me... Or maybe more.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change,
the courage to change the things things that I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

*NOTE: I cannot find the direct English translation for the Filipino word balimbing, but it is commonly used to describe someone who keeps changing his mind on every whim.

1 comment:

Heustein said...

I believe my sister is a psycho, but sometimes she makes a lot of sense.

Balimbing = star fruit. hehe... (or did you mean traitor? turncoat?)