Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Art of Storytelling

I think one of the best skills that a great leader and role model should have is the art of storytelling.

It's more than just having excellent communication skills. I have met a lot of colleagues who write crisp and concise memos, but I don't necessarily regard them as great influencers.

Somehow, someway, it is being able to relate your insights to a broad audience and retain your message in their minds. It means you get them to think and assess on whether you are making sense or not. You also get them glued to their seats and hanging on to your every word. And you manage to do all this within the first 10 minutes after you start talking!

This talent is usually present among people who are passionate about building the people and organization - trainers, facilitators, mentors, coaches, teachers, parents, priests, etc. They are the "unsung heroes" versus let's say, somebody who had created the actual commercial for Pantene or the star of a musical show. But their contribution to society is equal, if not far greater.

People who have this gift should never stop telling stories. They should persist in listening and learning from new experiences and add on to what they currently have. They should believe in the value that they bring to the people, even though it might not be appreciated immediately.

Thanks to all the people who have continuously shared a part of their lives to me and told great stories that inspire and influence my life! You know who you are.

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